₹230.00 – ₹315.00Clear500ml1000mlKantaf Plus Contains Hexaconazole 5% SC (Suspension Concentrate)
DOSAGE :- 3ml / litre of water
TARGET PESTS :- Sheath Blight, Brown Spot, Leaf Blotch, Scab, Powdery Mildew, Rust, Anthracnose, Early Blight, Sigatoka Leaf Spot, Red Rot
MAJOR CROPS :- Cereals(Rice, Wheat), Fruits(Mango, Banana, Apple, Grapes, Citrus), Vegetables, Groundnuts, Sugarcane, Horticultural and Ornamental plants
For orders above 4kg call / WhatsApp at +91 9663433355/ 6364307755/ 7676535680 and avail DISCOUNTS.
₹275.00 – ₹950.00Clear100ml250 ml500ml1000 mlLion Safari contains Emamectin Benzoate 1.9% EC (Emulsifiable Concentrate)
DOSAGE :- 75-150 ml/acre
TARGET PESTS :- Tomato fruit borer, Cotton bollworm, Army worm, Diamond blackmoth, Tomato leaf miner, Stem borers, Leaf miners
MAJOR CROPS :- Paddy (Rice), Wheat, maize, Groundnut, Soyabean, Cotton, Tea, Tobacco, Vegetables (like Tomato, Brinjal, Okra, Cabbage, Leafy vegetables)
For orders above 4kg call / whatspp at +91 9663433355/ 6364307755/ 7676535680 and avail DISCOUNTS.
₹300.00Clear500gmManzeb contains Mancozeb 75% WP (Wettable Powder)
DOSAGE :- 600-800 gm/acre
TARGET PESTS :- Downy Mildew, Early Blight, Late Blight, Anthracnose, Rust, Sigatoka Leaf Spot, Scab, Septoria Leaf Spot, Fruit Rot, Blast
MAJOR CROPS :- Wheat, Groundnut, Rice, Chilli, Fruits like Apple, Banana, Grapes, Mango, Vegetables like Tomato, Potato, Onion
For orders above 4kg call / WhatsApp at +91 9663433355/ 6364307755/ 7676535680 and avail DISCOUNTS.
₹200.00 – ₹680.00Clear100gm1kgMi-Ra Weed 71 contains Glyphosate 71% SG (Soluble Granules)
DOSAGE :- 60-100gm / 15 litre of water
TARGET WEEDS :- Echinochloa crus-galli, Digitaria spp., Setaria spp., Cynodon dactylon, Imperata cylindrica, Sorghum halepense, Amaranthus spp., Chenopodium album, Convolvulus arvensis, Cyperus rotundus, Cyperus esculentus
MAJOR CROPS :- Sugarcane, Potato, Tomato, Soyabean and Wheat
For orders above 4kg call / WhatsApp at +91 9663433355/ 6364307755/ 7676535680 and avail DISCOUNTS.
₹220.00 – ₹550.00Clear250ml500ml1000mlMonofos 36% SL contains Monocrotophos 36% SL (Soluble Liquid)
DOSAGE :- 175-300 ml/acre
TARGET PESTS :- Aphids, Jassids, White flies, Thrips, Shoot borer, Stem borer, Fruit borer, Leaf miners, Bollworms, Mites, Green leaf hopper, Leaf folder, Mealy bug, Grey weevil
MAJOR CROPS :- Paddy (Rice), Maize, Green gram, Black gram, Red gram, Sugarcane, Cotton, Coconut, Citrus fruits, Mango, Coffee, Groundnut, Tobacco
For orders above 4kg call / whatspp at +91 9663433355/ 6364307755/ 7676535680 and avail DISCOUNTS.
Bio pesticides
₹278.00 – ₹635.00Clear250ml500ml1 litreNeemsol contains Neem seed kernel based EC Azadirachtin 0.15% EC (15000 ppm)
DOSAGE :- 300-500 ml/acreTARGET PESTS :- Aphids, Black Spot, Spider, Mites
MAJOR CROPS :- Wheat, Potato, Vegetables
For orders above 4kg Call / WhatsApp at +91 9663433355/ 6364307755/ 7676535680 and avail DISCOUNTS.
₹150.00 – ₹490.00Clear250ml500ml1000mlNinja-B contains Lamdacyhalothrin 2.5% EC (Emulsifiable Concentrate)
DOSAGE :- 100-200 ml/acre
TARGET PESTS :- Caterpillars, Jassids, Bollworms, Thrips, Stem borer,Pod borer, Fruit Borer Beetle, Green leaf hopper, White Flies
MAJOR CROPS :- Paddy (Rice), Cotton, Cereals, Vegetables (Tomato, Okra, Brinjal, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Peas), Fruits (like Mango, Citrus, Apple, Grapes), Groundnut, Sugarcane, Tea
For orders above 4kg call / whatspp at +91 9663433355/ 6364307755/ 7676535680 and avail DISCOUNTS.
₹220.00 – ₹440.00Clear250ml500ml1000mlPendilin contains Pendimethalin 30%EC (Emulsifiable Concentrate)
DOSAGE :- 1000-1200 ml/acre
TARGET PESTS :- Annual Grasses like Echinochloa spp. , Setaria spp. , Digitaria spp., Eleusine indica, and Broadleaved Weeds like Amaranthus spp., Chenopodium spp., Portulaca oleracea, Parthenium hysterophorus, Trianthema portulacastrum
MAJOR CROPS :- Onion, Cotton, Wheat, Paddy, Black and Green Gram, Soya Bean
For orders above 4kg call / WhatsApp at +91 9663433355/ 6364307755/ 7676535680 and avail DISCOUNTS.
₹320.00 – ₹790.00Clear250ml500ml1000mlProcyp contains Profenophos 40% + Cypermethrin 4% EC (Emulsifiable Concentrate)
DOSAGE:- 300-600 ml/acre
TARGET PESTS:- Jassids, White flies, Thrips, Cater pillars, Bollworm, Fruit borer, Stem borer, Pod borer, Mealy bugs, Spider mites, Beetles
MAJOR CROPS:- Cotton, Paddy (Rice), Maize, Vegetables (Okra, Brinjal, Tomato, Chilli), Sugarcane, Tea, Groundnut, Sunflower
For orders above 4kg call / whatspp at +91 9663433355/ 6364307755/ 7676535680 and avail DISCOUNTS.
₹310.00 – ₹720.00Clear250ml500ml1litreProfestar contains Profenofos 50%EC (Emulsifiable Concentrate)
DOSAGE :- 1.5-2.5 ml/litre
TARGET PESTS :- Lepidopteran Insects, Bollworms, Aphids, Thrips, Caterpillars, Beetles, White Flies, Leaf Hoppers, Mealy Bugs and Mites
MAJOR CROPS :- Cotton, Soyabean, Rice, Sugarcane, Vegetables like Tomatoes, Brinjal, cabbage, Cauliflower, and Chillies
For orders above 4kg call / WhatsApp at +91 9663433355/ 6364307755/ 7676535680 and avail DISCOUNTS.
₹290.00 – ₹690.00Clear100gm250gm500gmPX-Claim contains Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG (Soluble Granules)
DOSAGE :- 75-200 gm/acre
TARGET PESTS :- Boll worm, Fruit borer, Shoot borer, Pod borer, Thrips, Mites, Tea looper, Diamondback moth, Lepidopteran species.
MAJOR CROPS :- Cotton, Vegetables (like Cabbage, Cauliflower, Okra, Brinjal, Chilli), Fruits (like Grapes), Red gram, Chick pea, Tea
For orders above 4kg call / whatspp at +91 9663433355/ 6364307755/ 7676535680 and avail DISCOUNTS.