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Atraz contains Atrazine 50% WP (Wettable Powder)

DOSAGE :- 400-500 gm/acre

TARGET PESTS :- Chinochloa spp., Eleusine spp., Xantheium strumarium, Brachiaria sp., Digitaria sp., Amaranthus viridis, Polygonum spp., Trianthama monogyna

MAJOR CROPS :- Maize, Sugarcane and Sorghum, and also for Orchards and Vineyards

For orders above 4kg call / WhatsApp at +91 9663433355/ 6364307755/ 7676535680 and avail DISCOUNTS.

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TECHINCAL CONTENT:- Atrazine 50% wp


  • Atraz (Atrazine 50% wp) is a systemic herbicide.
  • Atraz (Atrazine 50% wp) can be used as both pre-emergence herbicide and or after the weeds have emerged as a post-emergence herbicide.
  • Atrazine can be very effectively used to control  a broad range of both annual broad leaved and grassy weeds.
  • Atraz herbicide is absorbed through roots and foliage interfering and inhibiting the photosynthesis in  plants (weeds)
  • This causes the weeds to wither off and die.

500 gm

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atrazine 50% wp herbicide ATRAZATRAZ
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