TECHINCAL CONTENT:- Cartap hydrochloride 4%
- Seydan (Cartap hydrochloride 4%) has been categorized as a highly effective insecticide on wide spectrum of insects and pests mainly in agriculture.
- Seydan (Cartap hydrochloride 4%) is efficient on chewing and sucking type insects.
- Seydan (Cartap hydrochloride 4%) is a systemic, contact and translaminar insecticide and it kills the insects and pests by paralysing through stomach poison.
- Seydan is very effective against those insects which have developed resistance.
- It is effective against the insects in all stages of their life like egg, larva and adult.
- Seydan does not affect other beneficial insects and non-target organisms. Hence it is suitable for integrated pest management (IPM).
- Because of its longer residual activity, it provides protection for a longer duration